Life insurance provides tax-free money to your beneficiary in the event of your passing. The type of coverage and the amount of coverage you choose depends on your personal situation. The cost can be extremely reasonable and depends on your age, gender, health, lifestyle, as well as the amount and type of coverage you select. We offer Permanent and Term solutions to meet your needs.
Reasons to consider Life Insurance:
-Pay for final expenses
-Pay off the mortgage/debts
-Leave behind a legacy
-Provide an education fund
-Pay off estate taxes
-Maintain the standard of living for a spouse
-Provide a tax-advantaged saving tool

Disability insurance is important during your working years in the event you become sick or injured and unable to work. It replaces a portion of your income so you can continue to meet your financial obligations and objectives.
People are living longer and with medical advancements surviving more major illnesses than ever before. Critical Illness coverage is a living benefit that provides a lump-sum of tax-free money which you can spend on anything you need or desire, if you are diagnosed with a covered sickness. Common sicknesses that are typically covered under this type of plan are: cancer, heart attack, stroke, and many more.

You’ve worked hard to build your business. We help your business prepare in the event of an unforeseen death or injury. Working with your accounting and legal professionals to ensure tax efficiency, we offer:
Buy-Sell agreements
Key-man insurance- Life and Disability
Group Retirement savings
Group Health and Dental benefits
Travel insurance can cover the emergency medical costs while abroad. Extended health and dental plans can help covers the extra costs government don’t cover through MSP. We offer a variety of plans for all ages and budgets, even if you have a pre-existing condition.

Planning ahead for long term care can save you a lot of time and money. Long term care insurance can help protect your retirement funds from being pre-maturely depleted by covering the costs of care later in life.